30″ and 16″ MORGRIP® MORSMART Connectors Successfully Tested

Connector Subsea Solutions complete testing of four MORGRIP® MORSMART Connectors

Our technicians in Walsall have been busy FAT and Pressure Testing 2 off 30in and 2 off 16in MORGRIP® MORSMART Flange Adaptors for contingency in the Gulf of Suez.

All four connectors endured hydrotesting at 153bar during a one-hour hold period and passed successfully.

Due to the skill and experience of the CSS technicians and wider team, each of the 30in, 2.2m long, ~1100 diameter, 5.5 tonne connectors could be installed, Factory Acceptance Tested, de-activated and removed from the test pipe in one and a half days, which was no mean feat.

This project has further expanded our capabilities in MORGRIP® MORSMART and adds the 30in connectors to our standard product range.

Get in touch if you’re looking for pipeline repair, contingency, decommissioning or rerouting work. We have a range of MORGRIP® mechanical connectors and clamps in all sizes and pressure ratings, diver installed and fully remotely installed.

Make sure to follow us on our LinkedIn page to keep up to date with all the latest activities around Connector Subsea Solutions.

For more information on this project, please contact John Spain.

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