MORGRIP® subsea clamps provide a fast and effective way to repair a pipeline while mitigating the need to cut out and replace the damaged section. All our clamp product lines, for both diver installed and remote repair, can be supplied as a leak sealing or structural capability, with graphite or elastomeric seals to suit your specific application with regards to temperature, pressure and pipe media.

Product Description
The Anchor & Holdback clamp is specifically designed to prevent pipeline walking, which left unchecked can cause cumulative axial displacement leading to potential failure at tie-ins or risers.
It is specifically designed to grip onto the coating of a pipeline to retain its movement and is spring compensated to mitigate the effects of coating creep.
Where traditional methods require the coating to be removed to enable the structural interface with the pipeline, our hold-back clamps can achieve the same structural capacity but without the need for coating removal.
Mitigating the coating removal operation not only reduces the cost and risk of the subsea operation, but ensures the insulation remains intact, an important consideration for pipeline flow assurance.
Typically required in deepwater or harsh environments, our clamps are remotely installed, further increasing operational safety and reliability.
Anchor & Holdback Clamps
Spring compensated to mitigate the effects of coating creep
Suitable for 4in to 42in pipelines located in up to 3000m water depth
Fully activated through ROV
Unique large surface area gripping system to transfer loads
Designed in accordance with DNV 2.7-3 Portable offshore units, DNV-ST-F101 Submarine pipeline systems, DNV-RP-F113 Pipeline subsea repair, DNV-RP-B401 Cathodic protection design and ISO 13628-7: Design and operation of subsea production systems — Part 7: Completion/workover riser systems