12off Connectors tested, packed and shipped

Today CSS completed factory acceptance testing of 12off MORGRIP connectors (10” – 16”) from their Norwegian facility at Radøy Gruppen. This was a particularly challenging project due to the lockdown caused by Covid-19. With the UK facility out of action following the relocation and stalled works in April, CSS were able to complete the manufacture, assembly and testing at one of their alternative facilities.

Due to social distancing not all assembly stations could operate leading to project delay, however, maintaining solid communication with the customer, this delay was accommodated within the wider project schedule, with no negative impact.

The connectors, rated to ANSI/ASME Class #900 (230Barg) accommodate a 1 x Diameter length compensation and are fitted with the MORGRIP unique graphite sealing system. They will be loaded into bespoke sealed containers and pressurised with nitrogen to ensure secure and safe transportation and storage to India.

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