Deepwater pipeline repair or subsea tie-ins can only be achieved through the correct interfacing of remote operated pipelines repair equipment. We deliver complete lightweight and compact remote operated Pipeline Repair Systems (PRS) for subsea rigid risers, flowlines and pipelines. These items can be supplied separately or as a complete package for remote deepwater repair, enabling the complete system integration prior to mobilisation.

Product Description
Pipeline End Preparation Tools ensure that after a subsea pipeline is cut, the end can be machined to the required tolerance for the next step in operation, whether that be the installation of a mechanical connector, end termination or weld.
A light, simple ROV dedicated tool is both quick and easy to mobilize and operate, ensuring that the pipe cut is both square and all burring removed. This assurance fully mitigates risk of causing damage to interfacing components and ensures the correct operational tolerances are achieved.
A simple tool mounting on the pipe inner diameter ensures the machining plate can be modified to suit a wide range of pipeline sizes, materials and tolerances. This solution provides an increased level of safety and control when preparing to interface subsea pipelines, reducing operation-al risk.
Pipe End Preparation Tool
Standard tools available for 6in to 16in pipe
3000m water depth application
Requires pressure and flow control to operate. Compliant with CSS ROV skid and topside control system.